
AI-based development of personalised therapy strategies

With PMCRmodeller, we have developed a software suite for molecular biological analysis and AI-based development of personalised therapy strategies and therapy monitoring to support clinical decision-making with regard to prioritisation and toxicity assessment. This allows sequencing data (e.g. DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq) to be broken down with regard to tumour-specific driver genes and individual functions. Computer models based on this data map the patient’s tumour process and make it possible to model disease progression and drug effects. This allows personalised treatment concepts with a minimised risk of resistance to be developed that correspond to the patient’s disease and his molecular and tumour-specific data.

In addition, our BITAP algorithm (Bioinformatic-Tumour-Address-Peptides) represents a novel method (patent pending) in individualised cancer immunotherapy. BITAP has already been successfully applied in individual curative trials (Toke et al. 2019).



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