
Multi-Omics Analysis and Disease Modelling

The multidimensional complexity of diseases such as cancer and SARS-CoV-2 poses challenges for experimental approaches to investigate individual disease factors that are responsible for different clinical symptoms, disease courses and clinical outcomes. For this, integrative multi-omics analyses are of particular importance to gain holistic mechanistic insights into pathogenesis.

PMCRanalyzer is based on our developed correlation-
algorithm (patent pending) for the multimodal analysis of omics data (e.g. transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, single-cell-Seq). Expression profiles are calculated and associated subpopulations and signalling pathways are characterised. We analyse transcriptional changes during disease progression and cellular regulatory potential (ligand-receptor target engagement) at the gene, tissue and pathway level. PMCRanalyzer enables mechanistic insights into disease development and data-driven hypotheses to be formulated for new investigations.



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